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Main categories
1. Semiconductors
2. PCBs
1.2 Transistors
1.3 Power semiconductor components
1.4 Opto-semiconductor components
1.5 Processors
10. Hybrid technologies
11. Power suppliers
11.1 Transformers
11.2 Mains power devices
11.3 Coilware
11.4 UPS systems
11.5 Batteries
11.6 Power management systems
12. Assemblies and subsystems
13. EMS
14. Electronics enclosures
15. Wireless components and modules
16. Automation systems
16.1 Industrial automation
16.2 System integration for Automatic Process Control Systems
16.3 Gagging, management, control, diagnostics and scientific researches AS
16.4 Embedded and on-board systems
16.5 Automation components
16.6 Industrial computers and networks
16.7 Cases, consoles
16.8 Electronic payment systems
16.9 Manufacturing and industry infrastructure control automation
17. Microelectromechanic systems
18. Testing, control, measurement
18.1. Testing of ECB and electronic products
18.2 Tests of ECB and electronic products
18.3 Measurements of ECB and electronic products
18.4 Certification of ECB and electronic products
18.5 Standardization of ECB and electronic products
19. Chip design
19.1 Development of integrated circuits and systems
19.2 Ip- blocks
19.3 IP- cores
19.4 СФ-блоки
19.5. Virtual components
20. Software design
20.1 Image/pattern recognition and processing
20.2 System integration
20.3 Specialized information-analytical system
20.4 Connection and telecommunication systems for industrial objects
20.5 CAE Software
21. Media
23. Other
3. Sensors and control devices
3.1 Electronic protection devices
3.2 Thermal management
4. Micro- and nanosystems
4.1 Products of microelectronics
4.2 Products of microsystems
4.3 Analog and analog-to-digital microcircuits
5. Passive components
5.1 Inductors and accessories
5.2 Capacitors
5.3 Resistors
5.4 Piezoelectric components
5.5 Magnetic and electronic ceramic product
5.6 Radio and microwave component
6. LED components, materials, technologies, equipment, turnkey solutions
6.1 LED components
6.2 Materials and equipment for LED packaging
6.3 Chip-on-board technology
6.4 Secondary optics
6.5 Metrology, testing, equipment, methods and standards
6.6 Power supplies and control systems for LEDs
6.7 LED screens and displays
6.8 OLED-technologies
7. Displays
7.1 Monitors
7.2 Display assemblies
7.3 Display elements
7.4 Signaling elements
7.5 Peripheral equipment for displays
8. Electromechanics and connector technology
8.1 Connectors
8.2 Connecting components, terminals
8.3 Switches
8.4 Keyboards
8.5 Initiation devices
8.6 Relays
8.7 Cables
9. Embedded systems
9.1 Microprocessors
9.2 Microcontrollers
9.3 Peripheral systems
9.4 Assemblies / modules
9.5 Industrial PCs
9.6 PCMCIA modules
9.7 Development tools, hard-/software
9.8 Components of embeddable systems
9.9 Embedded Operating Systems
Additional categories
Extra categories