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RosUpack/Printech 2025
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China
Saudi Arabia
Main categories:
01. Raw and expendable materials
01.01. Paper, carton, cardboard
01.02. Metal, foils
01.03. Glass, ceramic
01.04. Wood
01.05. Textiles, fibers, non-woven and woven materials
01.06. Polymeric raw materials
01.07. Additives and components
01.08. Clue, paints
01.09. Preforms
01.10. Miscellaneous raw and expendable materials
02. Packaging producing machinery
02.01. Equipment for paper package manufacturing
02.02. Equipment for cardboard package manufacturing
02.03. Equipment for wooden package manufacturing
02.04. Equipment for flexible plastic package manufacturing
02.05. Equipment for moulded plastic package manufacturing
02.06. Equipment for metal package manufacturing
02.07. Equipment for glass and ceramic package manufacturing
02.08. Equipment for textiles package manufacturing
02.09. Equipment for stuffing and filling materials manufacturing
02.10. Miscellaneous packaging producing machines and solutions
02.11. Equipment software for packaging production machinery
02.12. Printers and marking equipment
02.12.01. Inkjet systems
02.12.02. Laser marking systems
02.12.03. Thermal transfer printing systems
02.12.04. Digital printing systems
02.12.05. Hot stamping and blind stamping systems
02.12.06. Stamping systems
02.12.07. Portable printers
02.12.08. Rotogravure printing
02.12.09. Screen printing
02.12.10. Pad printing
02.12.11. Miscellaneous marking equipment
03. Packing and Filling machinery
03.01. Filling, bottling, dosing and loading systems for unpacked products
03.01.01. Pumps for loading filling and dosing systems for liquid and paste products
03.01.02. Filling, weighing and dosing systems for liquid and paste products
03.01.03. Filling, weighing and dosing systems for powder, granules and lumpy products
03.01.04. Counting systems
03.01.05. Pick-and-place, insertion systems
03.01.06. Equipment for aseptic filling systems
03.01.07. Miscellaneous filling, dosing and loading systems for unpacked products
03.02. Machinery for processing paper packaging
03.02.01. Forming, filling, sealing machines
03.02.02. Wrappers, wrapping machines
03.02.03. Multipurpose and miscellaneous machinery for paper packaging
03.03. Machinery for processing cardboard and corrugated cardboard packaging
03.03.01. Cartoning machines
03.03.02. Erecting machines
03.03.03. Sealing machines
03.03.04. Wrap-around packer, tray packer
03.03.05. Multipurpose and miscellaneous machinery for cardboard and corrugated cardboard packaging
03.04. Machinery for processing flexible plastic packaging
03.04.01. Horizontal tubular bag machines
03.04.02. Angle welding, side welding, full welding machines
03.04.03. Bag and sack sealing machines and equipment
03.04.04. Deep-draw, blister machines
03.04.05. Skin machines
03.04.06. Sleeve machines
03.04.07. Forming, filling, sealing machines (FFS)
03.04.08. Sealing machines
03.04.09. Shrinking, stretching, wrapping machines
03.04.10. Banderoling, strapping machines
03.04.11. Miscellaneous machinery for processing flexible plastic packaging
03.05. Machinery for processing moulded plastic packaging
03.05.01. Deep-draw, blister machines
03.05.02. Forming, filling, sealing machines (FFS)
03.05.03. Sealing machines
03.05.04. Multipurpose and miscellaneous machinery for moulded plastic packaging
03.06. Machinery for processing metal packaging
03.06.01. Sealing machines
03.06.02. Strapping machines
03.06.03. Multipurpose and miscellaneous machinery for metal packaging
03.07. Machinery for processing glass and ceramic packaging
03.07.01. Sealing machines
03.07.02. Multipurpose and miscellaneous machinery for glass and ceramic packaging
03.08. Filling and loading systems for packed products
03.08.01. Top loader, side loader
03.08.02. Robot systems, pickers
03.08.03. Layer, line palettisers
03.08.04. Palletiser robots, portal palletisers
03.08.05. Miscellaneous filling and loading systems for packed products
03.09. Miscellaneous packaging machinery and solutions
03.10. Packing equipment software
03.11. Weighing machines
03.12. Equipment for designation and labelling
03.13. Inspection systems
04. Ready packaging and disposable cutlery
04.01. Paper package
04.01.01. Paper, papers
04.01.02. Carton, folding boxes
04.01.03. Cardboard, cardboard articles
04.01.04. Corrugated cardboard, cardboard articles
04.01.05. Pouches, sacks, bags
04.01.06. Tubular jackets, tubes, reels
04.01.07. Cans, cups
04.01.08. Trays, crates
04.01.09. Fibre mouldings
04.01.10. Fibre composites
04.01.11. Miscellaneous paper and cardboard packaging materials and supplies
04.02. Plastic package
04.02.01. Moulded plastic package Ampoules, flacons Blisters Tubes Bottles Cups, cans and similar containers Canisters, buckets, pots Boxes Barrels, IBCs Load carriers, pallets Storage and shipping containers Miscellaneous moulded plastic packaging materials and supplies
04.02.02. Flexible plastic package Pouches, bags Big bags, fluid bags Hoods Netting Composites Miscellaneous flexible plastic packaging materials and supplies Stretch wrap Food packaging films
04.03. Metal package
04.03.01. Foils
04.03.02. Cans, bottles, tubular jackets
04.03.03. Blisters
04.03.04. Tubes
04.03.05. Canisters, barrels, buckets
04.03.06. Boxes
04.03.07. Shipping boxes, lattice boxes
04.03.08. Pallets
04.03.09. Containers
04.03.10. Reusable racks
04.03.11. Composites
04.03.12. Miscellaneous metal packaging materials and supplies
04.04. Glass and ceramic package
04.04.01. Ampoules, vials
04.04.02. Flacons, bottles
04.04.03. Wide-neck vessels
04.04.04. Composites
04.04.05. Miscellaneous glass and ceramic packaging materials and supplies
04.05. Wooden package
04.05.01. Boxes
04.05.02. Shipping boxes, crates
04.05.03. Pallets
04.05.04. Miscellaneous wooden packaging materials and supplies
04.06. Textiles package
04.06.01. Pouches, bags
04.06.02. Composites
04.06.03. Miscellaneous textile and fibre-based packaging materials and supplies
04.07. Special package
04.07.01. Gift packaging
04.07.02. Hazardous goods packaging
04.07.03. Thermal, insulated packaging
04.07.04. Sterile, antiseptic packaging
04.07.05. Active, intelligent packaging
04.07.06. Packaging from additive manufacturing (3D printing)
04.07.07. Packaging from renewable resources
04.07.08. Biodegradable packaging
04.07.09. Luxury packaging, cases
04.07.10. Miscellaneous special packaging
04.08. Disposable cutlery
04.09. Transportation packaging
04.09.01. Rigid transport packaging Rays Boxes Cushioning materials Trays Containers Corrugated boxes Lodgements Battens Barrels Jars Cans Miscellaneous rigid transport packaging
04.09.02. Soft transport packaging Films Big Bags Sacks Cases Soft folding containers Paper Textile Miscellaneous soft transport packaging
04.09.03. Returnable packaging
04.10. POSM
05. Labels
05.01. Wet labels
05.02. Self-adhesive labels
05.03. Miscellaneous labels and tags
06. Warehousing systems
06.01. Storage systems
06.01.01. Pallet racking, high-rise racking
06.01.02. Container racking
06.01.03. Shelving
06.01.04. Drive-in racking, drive-through racking
06.01.05. Channel racking, flow-through racking
06.01.06. Mobile pallet racking, carousel racking
06.01.07. Accessories for storage systems
06.01.08. Miscellaneous storage systems
06.02. Conveying systems
06.02.01. Belt conveyors, chain conveyors
06.02.02. Roller conveyors, ball tracks
06.02.03. Circular and drag conveyors
06.02.04. Overhead systems
06.02.05. Pendulum, continuous bucket conveyors
06.02.06. Forklift trucks
06.02.07. Driverless transport systems
06.02.08. Vertical conveyors, cranes
06.02.09. Racking cranes
06.02.10. Accessories for conveying systems
06.02.11. Miscellaneous conveyor systems
06.03. Ancillary loading, transport and storage equipment
06.03.01. Containers
06.03.02. Pallets
06.03.03. Box pallets, IBCs
06.03.04. Small load carriers, Behälter
06.03.05. Packaging ancillaries
06.03.06. Storage and stacking equipment
06.03.07. Load and load unit securing equipment
06.03.08. Miscellaneous transport and storage equipment
06.04. Warehouse software
07. Packaging recycling machinery and equipment
07.01. Sorters
07.02. Shredders
07.03. Presses
07.04. Waste sorting systems
07.05. Miscellaneous packaging recycling machinery, equipment and solutions
08. Equipment and materials for the Pulp and Paper Industry
09. Printech - equipment and materials for print and advertising production
09.01. Offset printing equipment and materials
09.02. Flexo printing equipment and materials
09.03. Digital printing equipment and materials
09.04. Large-format printing equipment and materials
09.05. Post-printing equipment and materials
09.06. Advertising structure production - equipment and materials
09.07. Solutions for automation, control and remote diagnostics
09.08. Printing software
09.09. Pre-press
09.09.01. Hardware, software, accessories for word and image processing systems, screening
09.09.02. Manufacture of printing plates, reproduction
09.09.03. Digital pre-press
09.09.04. Miscellaneous pre-press equipment and software
09.10. Accessories for printing
09.10.01. Printing inks
09.10.02. Software for printing
09.10.03. Miscellaneous accessories for printing
09.11. Other
10. Media and associations
Product catalogue
Product name
Main categories
Exhibitor Name
3.3.12. Miscellaneous metal packaging materials and supplies
ZTI Metallpak, ООО
1.0 EMS MARK. Automatic marking system
03.12. Equipment for designation and labelling
1000 ml bucket
3.2. Plastic package
Petropolymer Ltd
1000 ml container
04.02. Plastic package
Petropolymer Ltd
11300 ml bucket
3.3.9. Containers
Petropolymer Ltd
120 ml jar
04.02. Plastic package
Petropolymer Ltd
1200 ml bucket
3.2. Plastic package
Petropolymer Ltd
1500 ml bucket
3.3.9. Containers
Petropolymer Ltd
20 000 ml bucket
3.3.9. Containers
Petropolymer Ltd
2000 ml bucket
3.3.9. Containers
Petropolymer Ltd
2000 ml bucket
3.2. Plastic package
Petropolymer Ltd
2250 ml bucket
3.2. Plastic package
Petropolymer Ltd
250 ml jar
04.02. Plastic package
Petropolymer Ltd
2500 ml bucket
3.3.9. Containers
Petropolymer Ltd
280 ml jar
3.2. Plastic package
Petropolymer Ltd
2800 ml bucket
3.3.9. Containers
Petropolymer Ltd
285 ml jar
3.2. Plastic package
Petropolymer Ltd
3300 ml bucket
3.3.9. Containers
Petropolymer Ltd
3300 ml bucket
3.2. Plastic package
Petropolymer Ltd
3400 ml bucket
3.3.9. Containers
Petropolymer Ltd
365 ml bucket
3.2. Plastic package
Petropolymer Ltd
3L Laser Long Life
3-layer non-pvc film (flat film)
3. Ready packaging and labels
BELAND, Trade Company Ltd
3-layered non-pvc film (sleeve)
3. Ready packaging and labels
BELAND, Trade Company Ltd