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ExpoElectronica & ExpoCifra 2025
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China
Main categories:
01. Electronic components, modules and subsystems
01.01. Semiconductor components and modules
01.01.01. Integrated circuits
01.01.02. ASSP/ASIC
01.01.03. Programmable Logic Integrated Circuits (FPGAs)
01.01.04. Radio-frequency (RF) and microwave components and modules
01.01.05. Microsystems Devices (MEMS, NEMS)
01.01.06. Discrete Semiconductor Components
01.01.07. Optoelectronic Semiconductor Devices, photonics
01.01.08. Power Electronic Components, IGBT modules, MOSFET modules
01.01.09. Components of LED
01.01.10. Other
01.02. Passive components
01.02.01. Capacitors
01.02.02. Resistors
01.02.03. Piezoelectric components
01.02.04. Inductors (chokes) and ferromagnetic components, transformers
01.02.05. Switches
01.02.06. Other
01.03. Electromechanics
01.03.01. Cables and cable assemblies
01.03.02. Cases and components
01.03.03. Relays, switches, keyboards
01.03.04. Interconnection components
01.03.05. Electric fans, radiators and other cooling systems
01.03.06. Electromagnetic compatibility components
01.03.07. Other
01.04. PCBs
01.04.01. Multilayer PCBs
01.04.02. Single / Double Sided PCBs
01.04.03. Flexible and ceramic PCBs
01.04.04. Other
01.05. Sensors and control devices
01.05.01. Sensors, including semiconductor and MEMS
01.05.02. Input / output devices, controllers, alarms
01.05.03. Electronic protection devices
01.05.04. Other
01.06. Displays
01.06.01. LCD/TFT/OLED displays
01.06.02. Electronic Paper Displays
01.06.03. Display Periphery and Elements
01.06.04. Other
01.07. Power Electronics
01.07.01. Power supplies, converters, inverters and rectifiers
01.07.02. Batteries and accumulators
01.07.03. Power management systems, energy storage systems
01.07.04. Power builds
01.07.05. Drivers
01.07.06. Other
01.08. Electronic labels
01.08.01. RFID and NFC components
01.08.02. Marking tags and color coding
01.08.03. Marking of hardware
01.08.04. Other
01.09. Services
01.09. Services
01.09.01. Logistics, customs clearance, certification
01.09.01. Logistics, customs clearance, certification
01.09.02. Foreign trade outsorcing
01.09.03. Consulting, recruitment
01.09.04. Other
02. Technologies, equipment and materials for electronic manufacturing
02.01. Microelectronics processing equipment
02.01.01. Lithography cluster equipment
02.01.02. Equipment for chemical and plasmachemical processing
02.01.03. Deposition and implantation equipment
02.01.04. Thinning, scribing, mounting and packaging equipment
02.01.05. Clean rooms, engineering systems and special buildings. Design and construction
02.01.06. Equipment for testing and measuring microelectronic products
02.01.07. Other
02.02. Electronics and Electronic Components Manufacturing Equipment
02.02.01. Equipment, tools and accessories for mechanical machining
02.02.02. Equipment for assembly, sealing and packaging of components
02.02.03. Equipment for chemical processing
02.02.04. Additive and laser technology in component manufacturing
02.02.05. Manual soldering, product finishing, repair and prototyping
02.02.06. Special process equipment
02.02.07. Specialized rooms for testing electronic devices (shielded, anechoic, etc.)
02.02.08. Solutions for assembling and packaging micromodules and packaged systems, including 2.5D and 3D packaging
02.02.09. Integrated Photonics Technologies
02.02.10. Other
02.03. Materials used in the electronics and crystal manufacturing
02.03.01. Materials for the production of electronics
02.03.02. Materials for microelectronics manufacturing
02.03.03. Wafers, substrates and other materials
02.03.04. Other
02.04. Assembly and surface-mounting equipment
02.04.01. PCB separation and preparation equipment
02.04.02. Automatic component mounting machines
02.04.03. Soldering equipment, convection ovens, conveyor systems
02.04.04. Materials and equipment for mounting of components/boards/assemblies
02.04.05. Other
02.05. Printed circuit boards (PCB) production
02.05.01. PCB production equipment
02.05.02. PCB marking equipment
02.05.03. PCB design
02.05.04. Materials for the production of PCB
02.05.05. Instruments for the production of PCB
02.05.06. Other
02.06. Cable and wire processing equipment
02.06.01. Cable and wire processing and crimping equipment/machines
02.06.02. Equipment and materials for cable marking
02.06.03. Electrical Insulating Materials and Technologies
02.06.04. Other
02.07. Equipment for test and measurement of electronic components and systems
02.07.01. Certification, standardization and metrology in the electronics industry
02.07.02. Equipment for testing and training electronic components
02.07.03. Test and measuring equipment and tools
02.07.04. Non-destructive testing equipment
02.07.05. Other
02.08. Industrial furniture and clothing for electronics manufacturing
02.08.01. Industrial / Antistatic Furniture
02.08.02. Special technological clothing / footwear
02.08.03. Decontamination, cleaning equipment, disposal
02.08.04. Other
02.09. Electronic devices design and manufacturing services
02.09.01. Design and Engineering Centers
02.09.02. CAD/CAE/EDA tools and IP-blocks
02.09.03. Foundries
02.09.04. Electronic manufacturing services (EMS)
02.09.05. Electronics assembly
02.09.06. Other
03. Embedded systems
03.01. Components and modules
03.02. Assemblies and modules
03.03. Trunk-modular systems
03.04. Single board computers
03.05. Motherboards
03.06. Interface boards
03.07. Systems on a module
03.08. Drives
03.09. Embedded industrial computers
03.10. Built-in secure laptops, tablets
03.11. Hardware development tools
03.12. Embedded Peripherals
03.13. Software tools and applications
03.14. Risc-V based devices
03.15. Other
04. Robotics and intelligent control systems
04.01. Technologies and components for robotics
04.01.01. Channels of connection
04.01.02. Control systems
04.01.03. On-board computers
04.01.04. Drive systems
04.01.05. Energy systems
04.01.06. Navigation and guidance systems
04.01.07. Technical vision systems
04.01.08. Feedback sensors
04.01.09. Gearboxes
04.01.10. Controllers
04.01.11. Grips
04.01.12. Other
04.02. Robotics Software
04.02.01. Software architecture
04.02.02. Hardware and software systems
04.02.03. Software platforms
04.02.04. Other
04.03. Robotics solutions
04.03.01. Industrial robotics
04.03.02. Service robotics
04.03.03. Transport robotics
04.03.04. Logistics robotics
04.03.05. Medical robotics
04.03.06. Educational robotics
04.03.07. Agricultural robotics
04.03.08. Robotics for diagnostics, testing and monitoring
04.03.09. Unmanned aerial equipment for wide applications
04.03.10. Rehabilitation and social robotics
04.03.11. Biomorphic systems
04.03.12. Other
04.04. Artificial intelligence and control systems
04.04.01. Recognition systems
04.04.02. Computational linguistic systems
04.04.03. Gaming systems
04.04.04. Systems for creating intelligent information systems
04.04.05. Components and solutions for artificial intelligence applications
04.04.06. Neuroprocessors and neurocomputers
04.04.07. Neurocomputer technologies, including those based on memristors
04.04.08. Machine learning
04.04.09. Other
05. IT- and Digital solutions
05.01. Big Data, analytics, cloud solutions
05.01.01. Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data sets
05.01.02. Hardware and software systems
05.01.03. Cybersecurity, cybersecurity technologies and solutions for data and infrastructure
05.01.04. Solutions for providing trusted computing, trusted platforms
05.01.05. Tools for organizing distributed computing
05.01.06. Data center equipment, solutions, services
05.01.07. Computer network equipment
05.01.08. Comprehensive high-tech solutions
05.01.09. Cloud services and solutions
05.01.10. Power supply, ventilation and air conditioning systems
05.01.11. Quantum computer components
05.01.12. Quantum cryptography systems and components
05.01.13. Artificial Intelligence
05.01.14. Geographic information systems
05.01.15. Other
05.02. Smart city
05.02.01. Infrastructure technologies for a smart city
05.02.02. Smart city lightning
05.02.03. Smart parking and transport stops
05.02.04. Smart public stops
05.02.05. Technologies and solutions for city planning, modelling
05.02.06. Contactless retail
05.02.07. Smart roads
05.02.08. Robotics delivery
05.02.09. Driveress cars
05.02.10. E-government
05.02.11. Digital city twins
05.02.12. LED based systems for various applications
05.02.13. Other
05.03. Equipment, solutions and services for telecommunications
05.03.01. Telecommunication technologies
05.03.02. Networks and network infrastructure,base stations
05.03.03. Network technologies
05.03.04. Wireless network, technologies, equipment and solutions for the Internet of Things
05.03.05. Data Centres
05.03.06. Intelligent Connectivity (5G, 6G, IoT, AI)
05.03.07. Biling, BSS/OSS solutions
05.03.08. Internet providers
05.03.09. Quantum communications, technologies and solutions
05.03.10. Communication cables, line-cable equipment, optical fiber
05.03.11. Equipment for placement of radio-electronic communications
05.03.12. Power supply, ventilation and air conditioning systems
05.03.13. Measuring technology for telecommunications
05.03.14. Containers, cabinets, cases for storing equipment
05.03.15. Telecommunication systems, blocks, modules and antennas
05.03.16. Tools and solutions for protecting information in telecommunication networks
05.03.17. Radar systems and their components
05.03.18. Solutions for digitalization
05.03.19. Virtual ATS, IP
05.03.20. Other
05.04. Smart Manufacturing and Automation
05.04.01. Automated and remote production control systems
05.04.02. Solutions and components for automation and digitalization of production
05.04.03. Automation and virtualization of workplaces, smart and hybrid workplaces
05.04.04. Automated business process management systems
05.04.05. Technologies and practices of digital twins in industry and business
05.04.06. Virtual and augmented reality complexes
05.04.07. Programmable devices
05.04.08. Power and switching devices
05.04.09. Instrumentation for automation
05.04.10. Sensors and accessories
05.04.11. SCADA systems
05.04.12. Other
05.05. Electronic transport and navigation systems
05.05.01. Autoelectronics of traditional, electric and special transport
05.05.02. Electric transport
05.05.03. Unmanned vehicles and telematics
05.05.04. Smart Road Infrastructure Solutions and components
05.05.05. Technologies and practices of digital twins in transport
05.05.06. Intelligent transport information systems
05.05.07. Internet of Things & AI in Transport Telematics
05.05.08. Avionics and GLONASS-based systems, GPS
05.05.09. Development and support of software for transport and navigation
05.05.10. Transport monitoring systems
05.05.11. Satellite navigation system equipment
05.05.12. Other
05.06. Software
05.06.01. System software
05.06.02. Firmware
05.06.03. Industrial software
05.06.04. Application software
05.06.05. Linguistic software
05.06.06. Office applications
05.06.07. Web and mobile development
05.06.08. Importsubstitution
05.06.09. Codding instruments
05.06.10. OS
05.06.11. Mobile applications
05.06.12. Web development
05.06.13. Software Development Tools
05.06.14. Digital platforms development
05.06.15. Other
05.07. Consumer and office electronics for b2b
05.07.01. Computing electronics
05.07.02. Wearable smart electronics
05.07.03. Cell phones
05.07.04. AR/VR devices
05.07.05. Household video-and audio equipment
05.07.06. Smart home gadgets
05.07.07. Audio-video for home
05.07.08. Computer technology for office and production
05.07.09. Commercial electronics for different application
05.07.10. Phone and video conferencing systems
05.07.11. Office equipment
05.07.12. Professional audio-equipment
05.07.13. Professional video-equipment
05.07.14. Content creation and management systems
05.07.15. Other
05.08. Medical electronics and telemedicine-HealthTech
05.08.01. Medical instrumentation
05.08.02. Digital medicine and telematics
05.08.03. Biomechanical electronic devices
05.08.04. Exoskeletons and electric prosthesis
05.08.05. Personal assistants
05.08.06. Development and support of software for telemedicine
05.08.07. Diagnostic equipment
05.08.08. Other
05.09. Fintech and e-commerce
05.09.01. Electronic payment systems and identification of goods
05.09.02. Digital platforms
05.09.03. Cloud technologies for fintech
05.09.04. Mobile payment platforms
05.09.05. AI in fintech
05.09.06. API, blockchain technology
05.09.07. Servies for marketplaces
05.09.08. Other
05.10. EdTech
05.10.01. Training and advanced training of personnel, distance technologies in education
05.10.02. Research laboratories
05.10.03. Specialized universities and faculties
05.10.04. Additional and corporate training programs
05.10.05. Vocational Education, WorkSkills
05.10.06. Technologies for education
05.10.07. E-gaming
05.10.08. Online education
05.10.09. Smart classrooms solutions
05.10.10. Other
05.11. Innovation centres
05.11.01. Accelerators and incubators
05.11.02. Digital development centers and digitalization offices
05.11.03. Research and development centers
05.11.04. Technology parks, science and technology parks
05.11.05. Digital Hubs
05.11.06. Other
Product catalogue
Product name
Main categories
Exhibitor Name
01. Electronic components, modules and subsystems
Matriks Electronika
01.07.02. Batteries and accumulators
Matriks Electronika
01.02.01. Capacitors
Matriks Electronika
01. Electronic components, modules and subsystems
Matriks Electronika
01.03.04. Interconnection components
Matriks Electronika
«Discrete components»
01.01.06. Discrete Semiconductor Components
Matriks Electronika
«Drivers for controlling power modules»
01.07.05. Drivers
Matriks Electronika
01. Electronic components, modules and subsystems
Matriks Electronika
01.02.04. Inductors (chokes) and ferromagnetic components, transformers
Matriks Electronika
01. Electronic components, modules and subsystems
Matriks Electronika
01. Electronic components, modules and subsystems
Matriks Electronika
«Power management»
01. Electronic components, modules and subsystems
Matriks Electronika
«Power transistors and modules»
01.07. Power Electronics
Matriks Electronika
«Quartz, crystals»
01. Electronic components, modules and subsystems
Matriks Electronika
10 layers Rigid-Flex board
01.04.03. Flexible and ceramic PCBs
Shenzhen Giant Change Circuits Co., Ltd
1014D 2 in 1 Oscilloscope
02.07. Equipment for test and measurement of electronic components and systems
Shenzhen FNIRSI Technology Co., Ltd
10G/24G/60G Radar module
01.01.04. Radio-frequency (RF) and microwave components and modules
Ai-Thinker Co., Ltd.
1415 A/D/F Series agilen signal generator by Ceyear
02.07. Equipment for test and measurement of electronic components and systems
Raston LLC
1431A Series Handheld RF Signal Generator by Ceyear
02.07. Equipment for test and measurement of electronic components and systems
Raston LLC
1433D/E/F/H Series Signal Generator by Ceyear
02.07. Equipment for test and measurement of electronic components and systems
Raston LLC
1435A/B/C/D/F Series Signal Generator by Ceyear
02.07. Equipment for test and measurement of electronic components and systems
Raston LLC
1435A/B-V Series Signal Generator by Ceyear
02.07. Equipment for test and measurement of electronic components and systems
Raston LLC
1465С/D/F/H/L Series Signal Generator by Ceyear
02.07. Equipment for test and measurement of electronic components and systems
Raston LLC
1465С/D/F/H/L-V Series Signal Generator by Ceyear
02.07. Equipment for test and measurement of electronic components and systems
Raston LLC