141190, Russia, Fryazino, Moscow region, Fryazino, Zavodskoy proezd, 2, Nauka-1 building, fl.2, room 232

Telephone number

+7 (499) 7059456



[email protected]

About company

JSC «ANTECS» was founded in 2008. Initially, the Company was engaged in the development of software and antenna systems, conducting research and development in these spheres. In 2010, JSC «ANTECS» began to develop activities for the development and production of MW components in order to replace imported analogues. For 2022, the main directions of the Company are development, production and supply: ·Phase-stable microwave RF cables; ·Radio frequency cable assemblies; ·Connectors, RF adapters, microwave components; ·RF cable products of wide consumption; ·Cable assemblies on connectors manufactured by JSC "Plant "ATLANT". The products are manufactured according to own technical requirements, to customer's technical requirements. QMS meets the requirements of GOST RV 0015-002-2012