ALICOCO Mineral Technologies has over 18 years combined experience in gravity mineral separation and testing, research and development, we manufacture full range of mineral processing Spiral separators,
ALICOCO systems are environmentally responsible, in that there are no chemicals used in the processing and tails remediation is a part of water re-harvesting.
ALICOCO Mineral Technologies systems are used in gold, tin, tantalite, chromite, Tongtage scheelite, Garnet and mineral sand mines.
The main characteristics
Russian patent number: 2773688
Parts transportation mining area assembly to save freight
Suit Mineral size have a wide range from 2.0mm to 0.02mm
Alternative Shaking Tables and Replace Wet Table works
Mineral Tailings redressing and comprehensive utilization
Pre-tail before flotation for save cost
Ultrine granular mineral dressing fine to 0.018mm minus for dust gold
Large Capacity porformace
Heavy Minerals Sand Projects
High ore-dressing efficiency of the non-ferrous metal ore project
specifications and models
Type F, Triple Start, or Twin start, with 5 ,8, or 13 turns, tall 2.6M/4M/6M
Type H, Triple Start, or Twin start, with 3 ,4, or 5 turns, tall 3.5M/4M/4.5M
Type L, 4, 3, or 2 start, with 3 ,4, or 5 turns, tall 4M/4.5M/5M
Type M, Triple Start, or Twin start, with 3 ,4, or 5 turns, tall 3.5M/4M/4.5M