190020, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Drovyanaya str., 9/2, lit. ZH, office 8

Telephone number

+7 (812) 6482219; +8 (800) 5558723



[email protected]

About company

ACROSPORT is a Russian manufacturer of professional sports equipment since 1995. The main areas of activity are: trampoline equipment, gymnastic equipment, equipment for wrestling and martial arts. Apparatus can be used to train basic skills in physical training: training the vestibular apparatus, developing endurance, agility, speed of reaction, muscles strengthening. AСROSPORT pays a lot of attention to the development of modern technologies in sports; our products include such items as a force plates, cognitive simulators for any task, a video replay and video analysis system, and an electronic punch bag. In addition to production, we also carefully explore current trends in global sports and fitness industry market and cooperate with the most perspective organizations.
