"Mineralnye Vody" health center

3576242, Russia, Novotersky town, Stavropol Territory, Mineralovodsky District, Novotersky town, Beshtaugorskaya str, h.3Stavropol Territory, Mineralovodsky District, Novotersky town, Beshtaugorskaya str, h.3

Telephone number

+7 (879) 2271310; +7 (961) 4669007




[email protected]

About company

"Mineralnye Vody" health center is modern complex which entertains guests since 1985. The global reconstruction of the project will be completed in 2021. The uniqueness of the health center is in its irreplaceable natural factors, as well as in the synergy of innovative and traditional methods of treatment and recovery. Room inventory-105 rooms, room categories: Standard, Suite, Family Suite Total area of the territory -25 ha TREATMENT DIRECTIONS: We use the most innovative equipment in all areas of diagnostics, rehabilitation and the treatment is carried out by highly qualified personnel.  Balneotherapy  Health resort treatment for the main types of diseases  Urinology  Detox  Specialized programs in different nosology which are good for combating chronical diseases.  Wellness programs and hotel services


"Mineralnye Vody" health center