124489, Russia, Moscow, Zelenograd, Sosnovaya alleya, bld.6, str.22

Telephone number

+7 (495) 2041538; +7 (495) 5061753




[email protected]

About company

The main types of power electronics manufactured by STC AKTOR: • AC-DC, AC-AC, DC-AC power supplies (voltage converters); • aircraft (airfield and aircraft) frequency and voltage converters (static converters and rectifiers); • adaptive systems for conversion of electric power parameters with increased reliability indicators, dynamic change of output power value, parametric multivariability, increased emergency response; • autonomous technical means, sets, automated systems for simulating the types and values ​ ​of electric power quality parameters, which meet the requirements of the ground, aviation and marine direction of equipment; • controlled equivalents of the active load.